Niharika Mishra is an Indian poet who originally hails from the picturesque hilly town of Dhenkanal, Odisha, that has been an undeniable source of inspiration for her. Sprouting from this serene atmosphere, her love for poetry reached its height with legendary Odia poet Ramakanta Ratha’s Sri Radha and gradually moved towards Kamala Das, A. K. Ramanujan, Shiv K Kumar, Jayanta Mohapatra and Prof Bibhu Padhi who are eminent names in Indo-English poetry. Death of Radha and other Poems is her first collection of English poetry and as with most of her poems, they bear witness to her prominent longing to understand small details, nature and people around her. Currently, she teaches English language and literature in the capital city of Bhubaneswar in Odisha, India and keeps writing, drawing inspiration from the immediate surroundings.
niharika mishra