Extraordinary people, facts and notions to bring along into 2021
Dear friends,
Thank you for opening this mail. This is the first CoolGroveTalk, newsletter to bring you what what is talking to me. It will be the way to keep you informed about people, things, changes and additions to the mothership Coolgrove.
Stateside (things inside the USA), a close shave but the year isn’t over yet, so let us stay alert. We will need to adapt to the change since the vaccine is not likely to restore the past. What will we learn from all the loss and suffering?
It may well be the dawn of a new awakening (if we dare to take it there), when so much of the world’s population is weirdly lulled into a waking nightmare — the lemmings are blindly following the mechanical piper to the edge of a bottomless cliff and we shout WAIT! STOP! [Repeating lies to justify robbery in plain sight night and day is the poison we refuse to inhale. Anyway you cut it, willful ‘dehumanization of self and other’ is hardly a formula for success.]
Hell yes! Black Lives Matter. It is not just a slogan but the key to open doors to our humanity. Protect our humanity! Let us reclaim ours before it is too late.
The two great challenges of a. lowering global warming and b. the prevention of the genocide of indigenous people everywhere go hand in hand. They require us to adopt values that come from a mindset that is protective of mother earth and against monopoly capital’s plunder for profit.
We may all need to RE-PURPOSE OUR ASSETS to align them with our vision for the future. That is the new work.
Presenters at the 2020 Bioneers Conference are right now addressing exactly these issues via the virtual platform. Much of the lines of thought and facts needed to give us a fighting chance, cutting edge scientific discoveries merged with ancient, traditional knowledge and skills can be discovered at the link below. Better still sign up, it goes on rest of the month.
That long overdue environmentally sound reset, is codified in the extraordinary programs offered by the:
2020 (virtually)…Dec 5th to the 31st.

It is useful to behold the conference’s total embrace of the great diversity of world views with the common goal of healing our civilization with a view to building a new world based on hindsight and timeless knowledge. A visit to the presenters, panels and topics is an impressive eye opener. Proud to say that among the inspired leadership there is J. P. Harpignies (with several of his books at Coolgrove) — who is the program director for the BIONEERS CONFERENCE. Please survey the link provided even if you cannot attend, no matter where you live, it is of critical relevance. The topics are global, deep and educational for our survival on this planet.
Art, Business and Lifestyles
ART AND THE CELEBRATION OF COLOR are embodied in the tied, dyed and dried wearable art {HAND DYED APPAREL} by artist/producer Sage Hazarika and artist/painter Debbie Kenote. Their creative output of the past four months after their participation and bicycle ride to DC in solidarity with the BLM demonstration, can be seen, felt and acquired at an OUTDOOR HOLIDAY MARKET:

603 HART STREET, BROOKLYN on Dec 12~13, 9-2.
Or else check on their website below, one of a kind durable wear.
Behold the CABOOTEES—wearable art gifts for all.
Coolgrove Press
Also under Coolgrove Press, our Northeast (India) Perspectives series.

The hive is abuzz please visit…
COOLGROVE.COM the home of COOLGROVE PRESS the book imprint. New (healing) holiday reading material can be discovered in our 2020 offerings:
Kevin Bartelme’s short stories: LET THEM EAT RUBBISH (Humor)
Gerald Nicosia’s poetry book BEAT SCRAPBOOK (Poetry)
Saul Braun’s novella STORM WARNING: the recurring nazi within (Drama)
tells it like it was in a small town Germany in 1933. This book is a chilling reminder of what can happen here.
In 2021 Coolgrove Press will be greatly enriched by new titles in production from authors:
Louise Landes Levi, Nina Zivancevic, Matt Marble, Mark Bloch, Niharika Mishra, Arati Baruah, Charlotte Lily Gaspard, Robbie Saltaire, Rajen Baruah, Azahara Palomeque and Rafael Leonardo Black.
For those of you into the ESOTERIC MUSIC TRADITIONS of North America you will find amazing gems dug up by musician/writer/artist and ‘gemologist’ Matt Marble (Buddhist Bubblegum, coolgrove, 2021) on his Instagram feed:
Great Americans can be found here and let’s just agree, it takes one to know one.
We thank you for being yourselves and showing your love.

Summer 2020.
Hope you will visit coolgrove.com again, there perchance, to discover a buried treasure, in your own cell phone.
I am wishing each of you safe conduct to the VACCINELAND, SAFE HOLIDAYS and beyond. —Tej Hazarika
Coolgrove Press is an independent New York based publisher dedicated to promoting ideas and voices that can enlighten and bring people together across divides.
A proud member of Community of Literary Magazines and Presses [CLMP],
CGP BOOKS can be viewed online at www.coolgrove.com/press
CGP is distributed to the trade by Small Press Distribution SPDBOOKS.
Coolgrove Press is an imprint of Coolgrove Publishing Inc. NY 512 Argyle Road, Brooklyn, NY 11219