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TreeArt is what  I see when I look at trees now. You can say I am projecting and deluded, after all it is only a tree. Okay I speak for myself. Now when I look at them, I think they are aware of me looking at them.  Now that, is TreeTalk. But what about TreeArt? the grip of the roots, the branching, the bark (talk!) and the shapes the trunk ‘makes’, why? no sign of trauma there when a trunk looks like a human or mammalian face.They must be expressing themselves, amusing themselves to see when we (humans) will notice.  But the reality of thinking about what they must know and see is the ‘open source’ for BorderTalk—between trees and humans. I have opened myself to the possibility (of ridicule). What could I possibly loose in thinking of befriending a tree? Call me Johnny come lately, I say better late then never. I need friends in high places.