Peyetrybytez (alias for Punnag Tej Hazarika) p 2025, Brooklyn. Pencil, Watercolor and gouache
Welcome to Neo Hudson Valley. Shatemuc River is the indigenous Lenape name for Hudson River. It means ‘river that flows both ways’.
Shatemuc River Drive East alludes to the Hudson River Drive along the East side of Manhattan (traditionally Manhatta in Lenape)
The view looks north from Manhattan Bridge. The tag “Neo Hudson Valley” on the cable casing names a metaphysical lucid-dreamscape, entrance way, to a parallel world. Neo Hudson Valley is on Turtle Island and named after the Great Turtle on whose back hangs the North American continent according to Indigenous people of this area.
On the opposite bank (Eastern bank of the Shatemuc East), the neighborhoods Dumbo, Williamsberg, Long Island City, Brooklyn Navy Yard etc, are revisualized as Lenape neighborhoods, built up with traditional Lenape homes.
On the left bank of Manhatta, perched atop two parking lot buildings, are traditional Lenape community longhouses, symbolically painted in bright native bead colors in homage to bead art and its artists on Turtle Island.
Radio telescopes scan the FuturePast suspending linear time sequences to release balanced environments sympathetic to Mothership Earth which responds to how man affects it. In NHV, Sea mammals, whales and dolphins travel freely on the Shatemuc NYC.
The Oyster shell on the bridge alludes to billions of oysters that can cleanup and restore the waters all the way up to Albany to bring back the flora and fauna of the great Shatemuc River Estuary.
Neo Hudson Valley is owner free and entered by jettisoning the conceptuall grip and narrative of 500 years of annexation of North America by European conquerors through genocide and then removal of indigenous people from their homelands, taking over the lands. NHV is a owner free parallel world view where all flora, fauna and objects are interdependent under natural law with no one thing more important than the other.
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